Information on kiosks offering Muft (free) WiFi for colleges in India
The Problem: Information Poverty
Our country is trying to make a shift towards an ‘information economy’ from a ‘commodity economy’.
In an information economy; students and citizens have the ability to search, retrieve and organize information via the Internet medium. E-Governance, online video tutorials, tele-medicine and better job search are all part of the benefits that Internet access can provide to a society.
Quality Internet access is a basic necessity that students are missing out on in India. As of today, more than 99% of higher educational institutes DO NOT provide free WiFi services to their students!
Many students opt for 2G/3G plan on their cellphones. However, this results in limited data transfer and slow Internet speeds at exorbitant rates. It’s important to note that India still has one of the most expensive mobile data plans in the world in comparison to our average income per capita.
Internet bandwidth, networking hardware, WiFi management software and network technicians – all add up to the costs of providing WiFi for college students. It can be very expensive for educational organizations to set up and sustain such free WiFi Zones.
How do we transform into a digital country if our students find it difficult or expensive to access Information and collaborate via the Internet?
The Solution: Muft WiFi Kiosk
Our organization – Muft WiFi facilitates WiFi solutions to businesses, educational organizations and government bodies. We believe every student needs to be empowered with quality Internet access. With our state-of-the-art technology, we host a network of hotspot kiosks that power free WiFi for colleges.

Student Login Screen
At Muft WiFi zones, people get access to unlimited high speed, neutral and free Internet access. The WiFi service is completely free; at no added costs to students or colleges. Free Internet service is sponsored via WiFi advertising.
For instance; a brand that would like to conduct CSR activities sponsors a Muft WiFi Zone with an SSID that reads ‘Muft WiFi by XYZ Brand’.
The Scheme: Muft WiFi for Colleges
We have worked on the “Muft WiFi for Colleges Scheme” with various state/central government bodies, Internet services providers and advertisers.
At present, 125+ colleges in India have applied for this scheme to host a Muft WiFi zone in their college.
We will provide the WiFi (Internet) service free of cost for students (and your organization) if the applying educational institution meets certain requirements:
- Free WiFi is for students use ONLY and NOT for office purposes.
- College will ensure safety of our installed devices (routers, switches, access points etc.)
- The college will give us some visual banner space to advertise “Free WiFi” to notify students about this service.
- The organization shall ensure that a reliable electric connection is provided to power our WiFi equipment.
Note: Please read all requirements carefully before applying. Please refer Annexure A.
With this scheme, we aim to start 1,200+ hotspot kiosks that power free WiFi for colleges across 30 cities by 2017.
The way forward: Application for the Scheme
We believe that free information access to the youth could bring about a positive socio-economical impact in our country.
The long term effect of quality and accessible free Internet given to students cannot be quantified easily – but it will definitely raise overall student grades at your organization over a period of time.
This scheme has benefited hundreds of thousand students over the past few months. We strongly recommend your committee to apply for this scheme and bring a Muft WiFi kiosk at your college.
Use the contact button above (or mail us at and get a copy of the application form mailed to you. If you have trouble with your application process, please contact any of our partners who will guide through application process.
Harsh Lodha
CMO, Muft WiFi Networks
Phone: +91 – 22699 99025